Would You Like To Write For Music Liberation?

I've come to the decision that there's just too much good quality music around for one man to cover, and so therefore i'm looking for people to join the writing team behing Music Liberation. I'm looking for like minded people who share my enthusiam for brand new music spanning all genres, basically everything thats made with the right intent and sounds awesome!

There are 5 positions that i'd like to ideally fill -
- Live Reviewer
- Interview Guru
- Single/Album Reviewer
- Overseas Reviewer 1 (From Asia somewhere)
- Overseas Reviewer 2 (Preferably Australia!).

The basic aim of filling these positions is take Music Liberation to another level. This is an exciting time for music lovers, and it would be great to have some other people on board to help take the next step with this blog.

If you'd slightly interested in writing for Music Liberation in one of the positions above then please get in touch. You can reach me (Sid) by emailing musicliberation@hotmail.co.uk where we can talk more about the particular position and i can answer any questions you have. Just mark your email with "Music Liberation Writers".

I look forward to any responses! Cheers, Sid.

In meantime check out this awesome remix of Passion Pit.
