Remember Jet? Remember The Datsuns? Remember Wolfmother? They all partied like it was 1976 and no mistake. Riding on a wave of Antipodean rock and roll nostalgia, the opening years of this century bore witnesses to more boot cut jeans, big sideburns and Les Pauls than was frankly anticipated. But now it’s over does someone want to tell The Doggs?
This Italian three-piece aren’t even from down under but still have the bare faced cheek to rock out as if they were the proverbial Led Zeppelin. Well, Led Zeppelin with a saxophone at least. Single ‘Animal’ is a slurring swagger of a tune which contains every cliché in the book. A nice bass-drums breakdown, an addictive bluesy rock riff, a drunk vocalist (possibly) and exactly how acceptable is it to moan “yeah baby” at the beginning of a tune these days? Is there a rule book for this? It’s 2010 you know.
Like most music in this genre ‘Animal’ is formulaic but effective. There’s no denying this song is exploding with energy. It’s also annoyingly addictive. Lyrics might not exactly be on the same par as Cohen (most of the time “not anymore!” is just wailed over and over), song structure is rather obvious and there’s not even a hint of emotion to the tune other than intoxication, but it seems to work. Ok it’s rocking out by numbers but it fits perfectly within the niche it is playing up to.
As a single this might not set the world alight but it sends a clear message as to what The Doggs are about. If you like your rock and roll honest, uncomplicated and unfussy, then break out the brown leather jacket as these are the guys for you.
The Dogs are playing three small venues in London this March. /// The Doggs Myspace
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